Copyright 1999 to present by Don Samuels and
Marina Larson
This document is a running narrative of the hikes we have taken in and around Summit County Colorado. I have decided to start this to give others who follow in our enjoyment of the great out-doors a heads up on what to expect on each hike.
I have used my Garmin GPS III+ or my GPSmap76CS along with
TOPO! to create the waypoints and maps seen in the pages which
follow. As I get better in the use of these tools, the quality of
the information should improve.
Update on October 2018, I have not
used Topo! for a bit and and have been using smart phones and
runkeeper instead for recording tracks. This
page here talks about how to get the GPX data into Topo!
There are two factors leading to imprecision in the GPS readings:
Pictures taken posted were taken by Marina, Michael, David, or myself. Ruby Ranch property owners may make copies (paper or electronic) for personal use. All other rights are reserved.
Enough of the fine print:
Mountain August 24, 2008
(replaces previous Buffalo hikes, and is the new
Eccles Pass to Meadow Creek Trail Head on August 26, 2001
Mine and beyond July 5, 2000
Greys and Torreys on August 18, 2001
Independence Peak and Ide Bell Mine on August 17, 2002
Keystone Peak
on August 15, 2002
Mountain on July 9, 2005
Pad Lake on June 20, 2004
Gulch on July 12, 2014
Gulch on July 17, 2006
Summit on June 27, 1999
Loop on June 18, 2005
Summit on June 3, 2006
Summit/Loop on July 22, 2008
Quandary Peak on July 11, 1999 Please read, trail has changed for the worse.
Vail via Red-Buffalo Pass on August 1, 1999
Willow Falls and loop back by Buffalo Cabin on August 23, 2001
Willow Lake on July 7, 2007 Replacement of the 1999 hike
Feedback to:
This page last updated on July 6, 2020 by Don Samuels