Trip to San Diego and Sequoia National Park

April 2003

(under construction)

For spring break, Don, Marina and David headed off to California. We flew into San Diego the night of Thursday April 3.

Friday April 4 was spent by Don and David at Seaworld, where David was in a program called "Trainer for a day" and swam with the dolphins. Marina had to work. More on the Seaworld adventure can be found here.

Saturday April 5 we all went to the Wild Animal Park. Some pictures can be had here.

Sunday April 6 we headed up to LA and visited Paul

Monday April 7 we drove from LA into Sequoia National Park, and spent the night in the park at the Watsachi Hotel. Our adventures in the park can be found here.

Tuesday April 8 we finished up the park, headed out to Fresno and flew back.

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This page maintained by Don Samuels (
This page last updated 04/15/2003