Pictures from Buffalo - August 24, 2008
This was my first hike with my new Canon 40D which is a 10+ mega pixel
camera. The advantage of more pixels is not the ability to print on
larger and larger sheets of paper, but instead to let the density of
the megapixels help you increase the zoom.
Due to the nature of the hike and the weather, my camera stayed inside
my backpack except at the summit and at the point on the topo that I
indicated by the waypoint "pictures" on the topo. Also, unless I have
altered the jpgs by adding arrows or lines, if you are interested, you
can save the jpg to your pc, and the "info" information on how the
picture was shot will be there, if you have software that can view
this. I did not loose this information even when I cut down the
resolution for posting on the web.
The end of Emerald Road from the summit:

Our house is the red arrow, David and Julie's the blue arrow, Roger and
Susanne, the yellow (better picture later on with the 200mm lens, this
was 130 mm)

Lake Dillon and the all too exposed to terrorism Dillon Dam. Greys and
Torreys are prominent in the distance.

Dillon with Marina's new office indicated by the red arrow

Ptarmigan, whose hike can be seen here.

Another shot of Lake Dillon

Lilly Pad Lake (a hike of which can be seen here )

This is the knob I wrote about on the previous page that marks the
upper end of the boulder field. I have outlined an approximate path the
trail goes.

The three of us at the summit

Red Buffalo pass in the foreground and looking down towards Vail and
beyond. Red Buffalo hike can be seen here.

Red Peak

Looking North along the "summit ridge"

Ute Peak, the July 4, 2008 hike of which can be seen here.

Eccles pass (next to Red Buffalo) and its hike can be seen here.

Marina and David

Notice the dark cloud hanging over David's head for his pose with his

Our houses again. This time from the "picture" point on the map, and a
200 mm lens. This is highly cropped. The house in the lower left is
Charlie and Karen Lyons.

Finally, Ruby Ranch almost as a whole from this vantage point.
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This page last updated September 14 2008