Galapagos Day 4 – Part 2

Isabella Island

The second part of this day was at Isabela Island.  There were snorkeling opportunities, but after the disaster of our first try, we took a pass and just rested.  After lunch there was  a presentation on El Nino by one of the naturalists, followed by a zodiac ride along the coast of Punta Vicente Roca.

Map of Zodiac Trip

We went into a shallow cave in the zodiac which was a resting spot for lots of birds, including blue footed boobies, pelicans and noddies.  The lighting made for some cool pictures.   There were also sea turtles and marine iguanas present. 

We also saw Galapagos penguins.  Swimming penguins proved hard to photograph, and those out of the water seemed to want to stare at the rocks.  And they mingle with iguanas. That is not a long-tailed penguin.

Galapagos Penguins

This stop also featured fur seals.  They were mostly in the water, moving really fast so no pictures, but these two were loafing on the rocks.

Galapagos Fur Seals

After the zodiac ride, the ship moved out to make a daylight loop back north across the equator (and then south again) allowing us to become shellbacks whilst awake and doing cocktails. 

At the shellback party

The final event of the evening  (after dinner) was a tutorial on iPhone photography by one of the naturalists.  This was actually really useful and we used the techniques later on days we did not take the large cameras.  

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