Galapagos Day 3 – Part 2

A Snorkeling “Adventure”

After our visit to North Seymour Island we returned to the ship for the mandatory safety drill  where we got to assemble with our life jackets and then move in groups to debarkation stations.  Not exciting which is good. This was followed by fitting of equipment (wet suits, fins, masks and snorkels) for a planned snorkeling outing from the beach on Rabida Island.

For us, the snorkel turned into an adventure, or maybe cluster is the right word.  Equipment other than the wet suit was stored in bags embroidered with room numbers, hung on hangers with room numbers — yet somehow our bags got swapped so when we arrived on-shore the equipment did not fit.  Marina’s bag was still on the ship so it was sent in by zodiac.  Eventually we got fins that fit, and tried to get in the water from the beach (that was a laugh that I am glad was not on video) only to find ourselves with leaky masks and snorkels.  After sucking in a lot of seawater we both got masks and snorkels to fit and spent about 10 minutes actually looking at things along the edge of the bay.  Saw a few fish.  Don saw a shark or maybe two. 

No pixels were injured in the making of this adventure (debacle), which is probably a good thing.  No evidence of us in wetsuits.  In the end we didn’t do any more snorkeling, because nothing was really beginner-suitable, and the rest involved getting in and out of zodiac.  

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