Sweden – Day 9 Sandham Island

For Day 9, Torsten drove us out of Stockholm to Stavsnäs where there is a fast ferry to Sandham Island, a summer vacation spot.

In the map, you can see Stockholm on the left.  The blue flags show locations where pictures were taken from Stavsnäs harbor to Sandham Island and during our walk there.  Yellow circles with stars show the route the Viking Lines Ferry took when we left Stockholm the next day. 


The boat we took was a direct ferry to Sandham, and very fast, only about 30 minutes.  The harbor at Sandham is a quaint little village with shops and restaurants, but the rest of the island is houses or undeveloped.  We walked to the far end of the island where Parker went for a swim.  Brr!

The far end of the Island

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After returning to Stockholm, we met up with another cousin, Mats, for fika.  Mats is the grandson on Einar’s brother Sven.  The coffee shop had a pretty cool library wall and excellent ginger cookies. 

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